We cannot thank you enough for your interest in supporting PRO Aurora’s mission of promoting the personal growth of K-12 students by providing access to music lessons, instruments, and a supportive music community.
The pandemic has led to significant increases in scholarship needs since April 2020. Since then, PRO Aurora partnered with School of Rock Aurora to award over $15,300 in music scholarships. More than ever, we greatly appreciate your contribution as we continue to see the economic impact the pandemic has had in our local community and the importance of providing children the opportunity to be part of a positive and supportive environment.
PRO Aurora is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.
Online donations via PayPal
Your one-time donation provides much needed support to fund our Timothy Christopher Reece Scholarship Program. So no matter how much you can afford, every bit makes a big impact. Check if your company has donation matching, this is a wonderful way to engage them in supporting our community.
Donations via check can be sent to:
PRO Aurora
13750 E Rice Pl. #100
Aurora, CO 80015
![PayPal Button](
![PayPal Button](
Here's an absolutely FREE way to give money to our Parent Rocker Organization to go towards many of the projects, events, and scholarships we raise money for!
It's very easy! Every time you order something from Amazon Smile or King Soopers, PRO Aurora will then receive a percentage back on all of your purchases! All you have to do is set up your charity of choice as "Parent Rocker Organization Aurora".
Donate your old gear for our Instrument Loan Program. We can use all instruments as long as they are in working condition. This is a great chance for kids to try new instruments before having to make a financial committment.